Soroban Club (そろばん教室)
Times table competition 2023
The times table competition is currently on going

Times table competition 2023
The times table competition was held in June/July 2023.
The purpose of this event was to encourage all club students to remember the times tables properly.
All club students from various local schools as well as online lessons took part in the competition.
Everyone has learnt how to recall their times tables quickly and thoroughly. Well done, everyone!
Details of the Competition
Competition Result
Try some of the competition questions for yourself!
<Special Level 1 category>
Given time : up to 4 minutes.
Best time of the competition : 1 minute and 32 seconds.
<Special Level 2 category>
Given time : up to 4 minutes.
Best time of the competition : 2 minutes and 50 seconds.
<Special Level 3 category>
Given time : up to 4 minutes.
Best time of the competition : 2 minutes and 4 seconds.
Videos : Special 3 category
You can see how students practiced this category.
All students calculated the questions by Anzan (Soroban way of mental calculation which children create the Soroban image in their head and move around the Soroban beads in their image to get the answers quickly!)
This year's speed record was 2 minutes and 4 seconds to answer 30 questions (20 questions : 1digit number × 2 digit number, and 10 questions : 1 digit number × 3 digit number)